We always try to make our sessions as flexible as possible, to fit in with your school day.
Below are some of our most frequently asked questions relating to topics about: the activities, staff and requirements to help you when planning a session. If your questions are not answered here please contact outreach@centreofthecell.org
How many different activities can we do in one day?
We can run 2, 3 or 4 sessions a day, it’s up to you. We are very flexible and happy to work around your school day.
We can run two different activities a day (e.g. one ‘Snot, Sick and Scabs’ show and two ‘Microbe Detective’ workshops).
How many students can participate?
Workshops – these are suitable for a single class (approximately 30 students)
Science shows – these can be performed to as many people you can safely fit into the space as long as they are a suitable age to understand the content. Approximately 120 students in a school hall is fine but any more means that some people may have limited visibility.
Who are our presenters?
Our shows and workshops are all staffed by fully trained science communicators with backgrounds in science related subjects, many of whom are also training to become doctors or dentists.
Are our presenters DBS checked?
Yes, all our presenters have valid DBS checks.
How many presenters will come to the visit?
We normally send two members of our Learning Team to present the shows and workshops.
Lunch arrangements
Our staff will not expect to be fed, although it is much appreciated when they are! If the space being used for sessions is a lunch hall we must be informed beforehand so that arrangements can be made to safely store all equipment during this time.
How long do the shows take to set up?
All of our activities will need at least 30 minutes to set up, sometimes a little longer depending on what they are and the space provided. We need access to the space to set up without the children being there before hand.
Does your school/organisation need to supply anything?
Kit and facilities –
Each workshop and show is different and therefore has slightly different equipment and space requirements; these will be discussed in full before you confirm your booking.
Please supply:
- Computer
- Projector
- Screen
- Tables (1.5mx1m approximately). Ideally one large table is best but a few smaller ones are fine too. We have our own table covering that we will bring with us.
We can bring all of these apart from the tables but it is appreciated if we use the school equipment whenever possible.
Space –
The amount of space needed depends on the activity. The space provided can have a big impact on the experience so it is important that it is fit for purpose.
Workshops –
A classroom equipped with a projector and sound system is perfect.
Science shows –
A school hall is much better where there is space where we can put all our equipment at the front of the hall along with the AV screen and power sockets.
Our shows and workshops use projectors to accompany the activities so rooms with blinds are best.
Do teachers have to stay in with the students?
Yes but our teachers always tell us that they have had a great time! Centre of the Cell is at no time responsible for the group, our risk assessments are based on 1 class of 30 students with 1 teacher.